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Conscious Living

Conscious Living

Conscious Living is just that – living consciously
I have heard the concept described under a heap of different names – mindfulness is one commonly used – it consists simply of being aware of what is happening around you. Conscious living extends the awareness into the dream-state. Someone with a high degree of awareness will have observed the universal laws at work and can actively include them in their daily activities to ensure more success in their endeavours.

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About Conscious Living -fish in pond illustration
Universal Laws

Law of Correspondence

Law of Correspondence states “As above, So below” and “As within, so without”. This law is most effective when considering your attitude toward a desired goal. If your emotional and mental attitude toward the goal are positive, it will assist the goal to manifest in the physical material level of life.
This law was created with the different levels of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual in mind. It is the basis for the science of Reflexology.

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about Conscious Living - dry watercourse

The Water Crisis

The Water Crisis is REAL. Water crisis or water scarcity? As part of the planetary weather changes, fresh water is at risk. This need not be. The supermarket is the pantry and water comes from a tap. Meat was created wrapped in a plastic container. For whatever reason most folk simply expect their services. Common sense and nature awareness play no part here.
The supermarket is the pantry and water comes from a tap. Meat was created wrapped in a plastic container. Any problems in another part of the world are only entertainment in the daily news.

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About Conscious Living - mountain river

The Energy Crisis

The so-called energy crisis is mainly hype and FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Distrust). Much of this is being created by the energy companies as an excuse to increase their prices.The carbon taxes are simply an excuse by the various governments to extort more funds. After the coming economic collapse, we can start again with the cleaner and cheaper options. The price of electricity and fuel will continue to increase. It becomes important now to understand the rules, to be very observant and aware.

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About Conscious Living - global warming

Global Warming?

Global Warming and Global Cooling are all part of a cycle.Climate oscillates.Nature contains a set of checks and balances,It is never steady.We have only to look back over the past 1000 years to see the Medieval Warming,the Little Ice Age, Global Warming and the Current Cooling.The amount of control we have at this level of technology is minimal when compared with the effects of nature.Unfortunately this topic is filled with agendas and downright lies. Our best guide is the behaviour of the sun

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About Conscious Living - butterfly on flower

The New Age

A phrase everybody knows,but who understands it?Christianity and Islam came upon this world with fire and sword and their impact upon the nature religions of the New World was devastating. This conundrum has faced mankind many times – every time we move from one age to the next.Ask the Bull priests of the Minoan culture as the age of Taurus closed. Ask the minor religions of Rome and the Middle Eastern countries as the age of the fish came crashing in.Do not expect utopia – we are not there yet!

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About Conscious Living - economy

Economic Failure

Economic Failure.The Western World has been overspending, over consuming resources,and living above its means for over a century now,particularly the US.This is normal for any period of change. A society’s roots must fail to allow the emergence of the new system. We are about to see the end of the money concept and the financial system.The next step in the journey of the naked ape will see a more pleasant future.It becomes important now to understand the rules,to be very observant and aware.

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About Conscious Living -vege garden illustration

The Great Turning

The Great Turning from Empire to Earth Community. Joanna Macy curates a blog “The Great Turning” which provided me with some great thinking. As a society we are beginning another change. We started as hunter gatherers, moved through the agricultural revolution, the industrial revolution, the information age and now are moving toward earth community. This will instigate a change to a greener, more bucolic lifestyle, a major upheaval in the monetary system and sensible automation.

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About Conscious Living - the perfect storm

The Perfect Storm

There is so much written about the coming changes.Either an effort to cash in on people’s ignorance and fear or to push some theological wheelbarrow. Both have an unacceptable measure of control built in.Do this or pay me and I will save your soul, your life your … YUK!! OK – we do have some fairly large changes coming – so much so that I doubt those born in 50 years will understand our current way of life at all. But it is not a bad thing – merely the next chapter in the life of the naked ape.

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About Conscious Living -mushroom house w garden
The New Paradigm

The Vegan Solution

This one is going to push a few buttons – so – here we go.A diet heavy in animal protein is expensive to produce in terms of money, land and water. Likely it has very expensive karma as well.Forget for the moment any ethical component and look only at a simple distribution exercise. The amount of grain currently produced on the planet will feed the human population easily, but much is destroyed or allowed to rot for economics sake.A rethink is needed – badly.

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About Conscious Living -abstract space sky
The New Paradigm

The Root of the Change

We are now in a period of growth and social change combined with weather change and geological upheaval.It is difficult to see the big picture. It has all happened before and “this too shall pass”. It will be a bit interesting to live through though. We do need to work out what is coming so we can manage its effects.At the threshold of each change there is a period of upset. The entrance of the new will cause upset in all systems thus the saying that it is always darkest before the dawn.

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About Conscious Living -flying birds silouette illustration
The New Paradigm

The New Paradigm

The New Paradigm All things change – so we must change to keep up. As mentioned in “The Perfect Storm” we have changes underway that involve the spiritual aspect, economic situation, climate and the geology of the planet – all at once. With this happening, we need to constantly adjust to a very fluid situation.Conscious Living is about the only way I can see that will give us a chance of keeping up.This leads me to the New Paradigm – a new way of thinking

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About Conscious Living - yin yang
Universal Laws


The Law of Karma has many definitions.My version is very different – yet amazingly similar. Karma is the difference between where we are and where we need to be.The payback version seems to be the most common. It is defined by many as “as ye sow so shall ye reap” or “what goes around, comes around“. The universe is not vengeful – parts maybe, but not overall. Its main agenda is development of its component pieces. I see karma as assisting the learning process through providing experience.

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About Conscious Living -just breaking wave
Universal Laws

Law of Momentum

The Law of Momentum is possibly the simplest yet hardest of the Universal Laws. It states that “There can be no change without movement“. Simply put, if you want a change to occur, you must push for it. In any case you must exert some effort to make change, if you do nothing, nothing will change. Another way of looking at Law of Momentum is the old saying that
“The definition of insanity is to do the same thing repeatedly and expect a different outcome”

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about conscious living - good vibes
Universal Laws

Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law that states that Like attracts Like. Clearly stated, this is a universe made of energy and similar energy attracts. There is much fluff being spoken about the Law of Attraction but it is very real in its effect.The Law of Attraction is a subset of the Law of Cause and Effect. There is definitely a lot of blurring when it comes to defining each of these laws. The Law of Attraction will definitely only provide responses that fit your beliefs.

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