The Energy Crisis is mainly hype and FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Distrust). Much of this is being created by the energy companies as an excuse to increase their prices.
Table of Contents
The Current Situation
The carbon taxes
The carbon taxes are simply an excuse by the various governments to extort more funds. After the coming economic collapse, we can start again with the cleaner and cheaper options.
The price of electricity
The price of electricity and fuel will continue to increase. It becomes important now to understand the rules, to be very observant and aware.
Fossil Fuels
When I started my career in computers in the late 1970’s, I was involved in a government-funded audit of world oil reserves. I can assure you that we are not likely to run out of fuel in the next 100 years even if we double or even triple our projected usage.
I also know that the conversion of crude oil to the various products (gas, diesel, kerosene, petrol, and plastics) is much cheaper and more efficient now.
The assorted carbon taxes are simply an excuse by the various governments to extort more funds to support the growth of their staffing levels etc. Everybody in the club wins! There is little basis in fact for their claims.
There must be another reason …
No, I am not a rabid survivalist although some of those guys have a fair idea of what is coming – I just notice that we are being fed a load of nonsense, and assume that there is a deeper reason for this.
Governments traditionally do not let the populace know what they are thinking or doing.
Explosive vs Implosive Power
There are two types of power (I am not talking political power here!). They are:
- Explosive and
- Implosive
Explosive power
Explosive power uses combustion or fission (a controlled explosion) to produce movement. It is inherently dirty and inefficient – there are always problematic waste products.
Implosive power
Implosive power on the other hand is generally clean.
Solar and Wind Power
The reaction inside a solar photovoltaic cell is clean. Wind power generation is also relatively clean and renewable. Please disregard for the moment the by-products of their manufacture. No doubt as the processes are better understood, they will become cleaner and more efficient.
Do not distribute any blame here – it is the normal process for a society to evolve this way.
Explosive technology is easier to discover than implosive. I do wish, however, that Tesla had not been betrayed by the big money of the time. He was an opportunity to start the electrical age with a clean solution. His technology would have avoided the mess caused by coal fired and nuclear power in one easy step AND it would have been free. Think what that would have meant to manufacturing and commerce, not to mention the people of the world.
Food Production
Food production is becoming very energy hungry in the western world. The cost of growing crops to feed animals to eat is incredibly high, the processes are very inefficient. Broad acre agriculture is very energy hungry. Far better, we utilise the energy to produce grain, fruit, and vegetable crops we can eat.
The amount of food produced is often more than is needed, but any excess is not being distributed where it is needed. We have famine in many parts of the world and a glut in others. This is pure greed. This is about the only reason I can see for a world government.
Where to now?
On the energy front, I do not expect any great changes immediately. New technology is being squashed repeatedly. Nothing new there.
Maybe after the coming economic collapse, we can start again with the cleaner and cheaper options. This is quite likely, as the power of the establishment to control our lifestyle will be diminished. Pity – it did not need to be this way.
In the Interim
The price of electricity and fuel will continue to increase. Use what you can of the cleaner technologies. Be nimble and quick on your feet to utilise opportunities as they roll past.
It becomes important now to understand the rules, to be very observant and aware.
In the interim – leave a comment or two – who knows, it may create a chain of thought that assists a lot of people, including me!