Law of Attraction

about conscious living - good vibes

The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law that states that Like attracts Like. Clearly stated, this is a universe made of energy and similar energy attracts. There is much fluff being spoken about the Law of Attraction but it is very real in its effect.

The Law of Attraction is a subset of the Law of Cause and Effect. There is definitely a lot of blurring when it comes to defining each of these laws. The Law of Attraction will definitely only provide responses that fit your beliefs.

Table of Contents

I believe that the Law of Attraction is a subset of the Law of Cause and Effect. There is definitely a lot of blurring when it comes to defining each of these laws.

Overcoming limiting beliefs is the first step to make the Law of Attraction work

Let’s get pragmatic here – cut to the chase. Limiting beliefs are the biggest stumbling block to any worthwhile advancement. Your beliefs do in a very real way define your options.

If you believe that something is impossible, then you are not likely to waste the time and effort to attempt it. Why should you?

The Law of Attraction will definitely only provide responses that fit your beliefs. Simply put – you will not allow a solution that you believe to be impossible. Now, this said, if we widen our beliefs then we are open to a greater variety of options.

This is the basic truth as to why there are some very lucky people out there. The Law of Attraction works for you whether you believe it or not – doesn’t matter. It uses your belief patterns and desires to bring to you what you find acceptable whether that is nice or not. Note – I said what you find acceptable – not what you want.

The best advice I can give here is:

  • Stay positive – attract nice things
  • Do not judge
  • Phrase your thoughts positively
  • This is a helpful universe filled with lots of helpful nice people

Stay positive – attract nice things

There is much fluff being spoken about the Law of Attraction but it is very real in its effect.

Yes – I know – sounds a little trite. You better believe it. We are dealing with an immutable law here. It cannot change, it will not change. When you are happy and positive you attract happy and positive experiences – tell me have you ever won anything when you were grumpy?

Stay positive – attract nice things.

Do not judge

More of the same – think about it. What happens when we judge someone or something? We push energy strongly in the direction of what we judge – AND – we BELIEVE! The perfect recipe.

These are the two critical components powering the Law of Attraction – emotion and belief. When we judge someone or something we usually have fairly strong opinions (emotion) and we strongly believe that our opinion is correct (belief).

Do not judge negatively!

Phrase your thoughts positively

By phrasing our thoughts positively we are only sending energy to the higher aspect of what we are thinking about. This is a safety measure. We wish only to attract positive and happy experiences.

Phrase your thoughts positively

This is a helpful universe filled with lots of helpful nice people

This is a good basic way of viewing the universe. It will ensure that we have helpful and nice experiences as the standard.

This is a helpful universe filled with lots of helpful nice people

Enough theory – how do we use the Law of Attraction?

What! You want more!! – OK Read on …

We have discovered that there are three critical components of success using the Law of Attraction. There are:

  • Emotion
  • Clarity
  • Belief


For emotion read desire. This is the fuel that powers the Law of Attraction. It is also the reason that we so often manifest our greatest fears. We think about them often and we have strong emotion. (That is dark path manifestation)


We are dealing with our subconscious, a fairly literal beastie. You must instruct it clearly. Think about “I want an apple“. The subconscious will quickly search our memory for references to “Apple”, red ones, green ones, laptops, desktops, watches – what do I want? “A nice green juicy apple, fresh off the tree” narrows the request nicely.
Now if you hold a mind image of the “nice green juicy apple, fresh off the tree”, you will make it easier for the subconscious as it can limit the search considerably.


Nothing can manifest into our experience unless we believe it is possible.

Let’s put it together

The best way to make something real in our lives is to:

  • Identify it clearly
    • Clear affirmation
    • Clear mental image
    • Clear desire
  • Believe it is possible
  • Believe that you are worthy of it
  • Create an action plan to get it
  • Then do the actions (Use the Law of Momentum)

The Universal Laws all support each other

you need them all working for you to succeed.

In the interim – leave a comment or two – who knows, it may create a chain of thought that assists a lot of people, including me!

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