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About Conscious Living -fish in pond illustration
Universal Laws

Law of Correspondence

Law of Correspondence states “As above, So below” and “As within, so without”. This law is most effective when considering your attitude toward a desired goal. If your emotional and mental attitude toward the goal are positive, it will assist the goal to manifest in the physical material level of life.
This law was created with the different levels of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual in mind. It is the basis for the science of Reflexology.

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About Conscious Living - yin yang
Universal Laws


The Law of Karma has many definitions.My version is very different – yet amazingly similar. Karma is the difference between where we are and where we need to be.The payback version seems to be the most common. It is defined by many as “as ye sow so shall ye reap” or “what goes around, comes around“. The universe is not vengeful – parts maybe, but not overall. Its main agenda is development of its component pieces. I see karma as assisting the learning process through providing experience.

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About Conscious Living -just breaking wave
Universal Laws

Law of Momentum

The Law of Momentum is possibly the simplest yet hardest of the Universal Laws. It states that “There can be no change without movement“. Simply put, if you want a change to occur, you must push for it. In any case you must exert some effort to make change, if you do nothing, nothing will change. Another way of looking at Law of Momentum is the old saying that
“The definition of insanity is to do the same thing repeatedly and expect a different outcome”

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about conscious living - good vibes
Universal Laws

Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law that states that Like attracts Like. Clearly stated, this is a universe made of energy and similar energy attracts. There is much fluff being spoken about the Law of Attraction but it is very real in its effect.The Law of Attraction is a subset of the Law of Cause and Effect. There is definitely a lot of blurring when it comes to defining each of these laws. The Law of Attraction will definitely only provide responses that fit your beliefs.

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About Conscious Living -cornucopia
Universal Laws

Law of Abundance

To use the Law of Abundance is not obvious but simple. Intent, Desire and Commitment. Shortage is only in the mind as a result of poor thinking
Physics has long known that the universe is made of energy – nothing new there. The new thing is how to use this energy. There is more energy available than we could ever hope to use, and more is being created all of the time.

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About Conscious Living -butterfly on flowers
Universal Laws

The Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Cause and Effect is better known as the law defined by Isaac Newton that “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction“. This is definitely true of physics. Less known are its effects at the mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
Basically, the Law of Cause and Effect states that for every movement of energy, whether it be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, there is a corresponding effect. The Law of Cause and Effect impacts every aspect of our life.

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About Conscious Living - Scales
Universal Laws

About Universal Laws

The universal laws are about the only constant in our lives – often hidden but always there. They are almost impossible to beat. I say almost impossible because there are always some edge conditions that make some tricks possible. By now you should be getting a feel for these. Truth is determined largely upon where the observer is standing. Physical law is unreliable – especially gravity. The new science places much more emphasis upon the observer and way less on the observed.

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