
About Conscious Living- sunset sky

Some Experiences with the Nature Kingdom

A couple of stories of my experiences with the Nature Kingdom. Nature spirits are willing to assist you day to day if you show respect. One story how they helped me and another is what happens if you cross them. When dealing with the nature kingdom, remember that they have a very different culture. They are much more aware of what is than we are. Their minds are clearer and more pure than ours. We do really live in a dream. They are much more attuned with the cycle of the seasons, with life and death.

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About Conscious Living- afternoon sun through trees

An Example of Evolution

Here is a story about evolution into our octave of existence. An Octave of Existence is a frequency range that has been prepared for experience. Evolution is controlled by choice. We make a choice at each level. When a soul extension gathers sufficient understanding and power, it will seek access to the octave above, initially to visit then to take up residence.
Evolution is controlled by choice. We make a choice at each level.

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About Conscious Living-distant sunset

The Nature of Nature

Nature would have to be the most misunderstood force on the planet. The nature kingdom consists of a very large number of highly intelligent beings undergoing their own path of evolution. They each have a unique set of duties to both maintain life on the planet and to move things in a specified direction. Nature has a plan extending over millions of years – they will follow it to the letter – they must.

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About Conscious Living - The 4 elements

Back to Nature

Esoteric – Back to Nature. How the nature kingdom evolves and the task assigned them. The nature elementals of Earth, Air, Fire and Water team up to merge as a complete 4 fold. This a powerful being who must now choose between the Paths of Service and Being. How they are integral to the functioning of the Law of Attraction. A story of experience with nature elementals and learning how they evolve.

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About conscious Living - elephants illustration

Focus, Understanding & Belief

There is no such thing as mental or psychic strength. It takes the same amount of effort to move a feather as a mountain. What does vary though, is the amount of confidence, focus and understanding people have. This is often incorrectly reported as strength. In a way I suppose it is a form of strength, the strength of our belief and confidence in ourself. The thing here is to see what is – not what we would like. This opens our future to contain all that is possible so we may choose what we experience.

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about conscious living - tarot

What is an Oracle?

An Oracle is any object or system of divination which enables communication with the divine. Most Oracles are a set of symbols, which are sufficiently flexible to form a language. The important thing is not the form, but the richness of the language.
Nature Oracles are used by tribal people in the Pacific islands and throughout Indonesia and likely South America. The Europeans had a whole language based around flowers and plants based upon their looks and properties. The Oracle of Delphi was a priestess medium.

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about conscious living - full moon

The Higher Self

The higher self is the transcendent aspect of ourselves. It is the higher and wiser part of ourselves and is responsible for our guidance and provides opportunity for learning experience for the Conscious Self. Esoterically speaking, it is the spiritual body and is associated with the brow and crown chakras. I believe that the higher self is our immortal component. Ever patient, it assists us by offering opportunities and experiences. It communicates with us via the basic self.

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about conscious living - sunset

The Conscious Self

The conscious self is the thinking part of us. It is the part that we are most familiar with and apart from the body, usually call “Me”.
It is responsible for intellect, discernment, decision making and the majority of actions of the person. Esoterically speaking, the Conscious Self is associated with the Mental body and the Heart Chakra. You cannot communicate directly with the higher self, you must do via the basic self – so get that relationship right.

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about conscious living - play in the park

The Basic Self

Esoterically speaking the Basic Self or Inner Child is the earliest stage of human soul evolution associated with this level. The Inner Child will evolve in time to the Conscious Self and then to the Higher Self before taking higher duties. You may consider the 3 selves concept as a useful construct to understand the living conscious inner working of the body, mind and spirit. In my personal experience the 3 levels do exist and are intelligent. They are available for communication if the correct processes are followed.

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about conscious living - balance

The Need for Balance – Body Mind Spirit

The Way of Balance is best described as maintaining a conscious balance of man’s three aspects of body mind and spirit. The 3 selves form a symbiotic relationship. If the relationship does not blossom, the whole system will suffer. There is a great need for balance here. Warriors of old knew that they faced death daily. They knew that when they faced a razor sharp sword that they must be complete in all aspects – mind, body and spirit. The balance necessary for them to perform at their best.

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about conscious living - owl clock

Esoteric – The Seen and the Unseen

In this 3D space we sense a very limited range of frequencies – the seen. There are MANY more out there. Those we cannot sense are the unseen. Now having stated the obvious, why is it so? Frequencies are available to us if we have sensory equipment active there that is connected to us. Outside that range, we have the equipment, but it is not connected to us. Good thing too, we would face total sensory overload otherwise. In truth we see all but our processes dismiss that surplus to our needs.

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about conscious living - alchemy

About Esoterica

Esoteric knowledge is defined as being owned by the few – the learned or the worthy – Pardon me but this is utter bovine excreta – It is for those who can open their mind and see past the end of their noses.
What I offer here is the fundamental knowledge that is the critical key to comfortable survival through the coming crises. This is not just theory or new age myth – it is a result of much research on the part of many people over many lives. I have verified it for my own purposes.

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about conscious living - mayan calendar


The word esoteric means hidden or uncommon knowledge. This section contains some of the old teachings. Nothing too far out but definitely not mainstream. It is interesting that once a person starts to explore their mind there are the big questions of “Why” and “How Does That Work?”. Esoteric knowledge can definately improve your life as it is a look behind the curtain of the Universal Laws including the Law of Attraction and the Law of Abundance.

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about conscious living - palm trees streaked sunset
Personal Development

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth is one of the primal drives of mankind. Deep down everyone wants life to be better, to have more understanding and control of their personal environment. The reason is irrelevant – it may be altruism or greed – but a little more money, better health, better relationships definitely would not go astray. Happiness shows that the smiler has cleared the connection with their divine aspect or higher self. When in this state a person may achieve just about anything they desire.

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