Just what do we mean when we say “My mind”?
I have a theory – Unprovable but equally impossible to disprove – that the real me is the thinking part of me.
Let’s call it the I AM. Others have called it the ID, the soul and a dozen other names. I believe that the I AM is all there is to me.
My mind is a tool, an interface to these 4 dimensions (I include time here). With that said, the body and the environment are creations of the mind. They are what the mind tells the I AM they are. We are here to gather experience which equates to learning.
All this boils down to a very simple concept:
With that said, the body and the environment are creations of the mind. They are what the mind tells the I AM they are. We are here to gather experience which equates to learning.
OK – how do I use this practically?
True or false, it is of no use whatsoever unless it can be turned to a practical use.
Given that the mind is the sole point of contact with the I AM, everything we experience is filtered through the mind. Simple things like colour are clear examples. Believe it or not, we all see colour totally differently. It is impossible to describe the experience of colour – even to ourselves.
If we cannot describe colour, then how can we describe the body or geography. They exist only as we see / feel them.
A friend of mine once described this reality as a form of computer game – I believe that he was as close as we can get to a fair description. Each computer game has a terrain map consisting of a series of numbers. The program (mind) interprets these numbers and displays them on the screen (I AM) for us to see and hear.
What is the take-away from this?
There are two:
- Thought, Space and Time are one and
- The mind exists to interpret and modify the map
That is it – pretty profound and very powerful if grasped.
In the interim – leave a comment or two – who knows, it may create a chain of thought that assists a lot of people, including me!