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I AM – Mind – Body – Geography

About Conscious Living - world map

The only thing that truly exists in this and every other reality, high or low, is the consciousness. Everything else is a tool designed to help us experience. This is the mind. The mind needs a repository to store its version of what is. This is a map (of sorts). The mind interprets the map and presents the experience to the consciousness. The consciousness communicates with something – the mind, it has a body (defined in the map) and that body inhabits some form of geography (also defined by the map).

I have one here that will stretch your brain!
Read it, believe it, or treat it as a construct to assist understanding – your choice. In any circumstance, give it a whirl and think it through. Here goes:

The only thing that truly exists in this and every other reality, high or low, is the consciousness. Everything else is a tool, a construct designed to help us experience.

The I AM or consciousness needs a tool to assist experience.

This is the mind. The mind needs a repository to store its version of what is. This is a map (of sorts). The mind interprets the map and presents the experience to the consciousness. Do not try to prove or deny this – it is impossible. You will get lost in a circular argument to no avail.

It would appear to us that the consciousness communicates with something – the mind, it has a body (defined in the map) and that body inhabits some form of geography (also defined by the map). BTW – my sky is bluer than yours – so there!!

OK – so much for the theory – how do I use this thing? Let’s be a bit practical here!

The mind receives requests / instructions from the consciousness and either displays the map or modifies the map then displays it. In this way we create our life and all of its experiences. It is all down to our beliefs and desires.

The consciousness can wish for something but whether that something becomes real is controlled by the belief patterns. If something is impossible, it will never be. If something is easily believed it will likely appear when desired.

Wow – this is beginning to sound like a slightly bent treatise on the “Law of Attraction” – you bet – sure looks that way.

Probably true though. We do know that the impossible is impossible and that common events are common – the question is why? Why do we not see the impossible every now and then?

I believe that we need to change our belief patterns for anything new to occur. That places something into the realms of possibility and so it will occur shortly because it is now possible and we have just thought about it – desire is implicit in thought – so the new thing happens.

Thought, Time and Space are one” is another way of thinking about this.

The thing to work out now is how to change the belief patterns. They are our greatest strength and our most limiting factor all rolled into one. The mind has no say about belief – it just does as we tell it.

Do not confuse the mind and intelligence or consciousness. Belief is part of the consciousness.

Between belief, memory and desire there seems to be little else to the consciousness. The rest is part of the environment.

The mind is just a tool – albeit a very useful one.

So, how do we change our beliefs and so allow newness into our lives? That is the big question – we will look at that later.

In the interim – leave a comment or two – who knows, it may create a chain of thought that assists a lot of people, including me!



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