We feel that “time is speeding up” – an obvious impossibility when looked at from the point of definition – but IT IS!
An hour is the time taken for the hour hand on a clock to make one revolution. What happens if the main drive cog of the clock is changed? The period for one revolution changes! From our point of view time cannot change – but – we exist in time as well as above it. A quirk of this reality. Time is not linear AND we can reuse it. As time speeds up, we experience higher evolution, on the downward phase we return to the dark ages.
One way of looking at it, is that it is based on angular velocity. So, what is time and how can we properly use it? There is no point in being issued a quantity of a resource if we do not know how to best use it.
As a property of this reality, time only exists up to the low astral level. Above the “time barrier”, the rotational velocity of the atomic particles exceeds the speed of light – time stops here. Einstein only had part of the picture.
We feel that “time is speeding up” – an obvious impossibility when looked at from the point of definition – but IT IS!
OK, lets look at an hour – the time taken for the hour hand on a clock to make one revolution. From our point of view time cannot change – but – we exist in time as well as above it. A quirk of this reality.
What happens if the main drive cog of the clock is changed?
The period for one revolution changes!
This is effectively what is happening. The speed of our atomic particles is increasing. Our experience of time above the time barrier is that time is running faster. The 3d component of our body experiences time, the other does not. It observes it.

BTW, this is a cyclic event. Time speeds up and slows down over a fairly fixed period, just like a sine wave.
As time speeds up, we experience higher evolution and increased quality of life. Time then starts it’s downward phase and we return to the dark ages.
The period of this cycle is around 26,000 years. This is the cause of all of the fuss over the Mayan calendar. We are close to the period where time begins to peak. In this zone it becomes a little unstable – thus the Mayan saying that after the calendar ends, time changes and so there is no need for a calendar.
Enough theory – how do we make best use of it?
Have you ever experienced time drag – say in a boring church service? At other times, for example in an emergency situation, time seems to go into slow motion.
We can manage and utilise the variable nature of time – not by changing time, but by changing ourselves. If we can increase or decrease the speed of our particles, we can approach or move away from the time barrier. This can be done as a personal thing – leaving those around us in their “normal” time.
I see great potential for mischief here – could be lots of fun!
For the moment just understand that time is variable. We will go into greater depth later.
Comments please – I am sure that there are differing opinions about this – the comments are a great place to express them.